
2024 - 8 - 30

When Camp Turns into Camp-amoeba: Gastroenteritis Strikes Catholic High!

Children's Health - Food Safety - Gastroenteritis - Ministry of Health - Primary School - School Camp - Singapore Food Agency

35 students and 2 staff members from Catholic High School report gastroenteritis symptoms after an adventurous camp! 🤢🥴

In a recent and alarming turn of events, 35 Primary 5 students and two staff members from Catholic High School found themselves battling symptoms of gastroenteritis following a school camp trip. While the camp offered the promise of outdoor adventure and camaraderie, the aftermath recounts a very different tale filled with nausea and distress. Fortunately, none of the affected individuals required hospitalization, as confirmed by a joint statement from the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and Ministry of Health (MOH).

This sudden outbreak of gastroenteritis may have parents scratching their heads and pondering just how camp snacks could cause such a reaction. Commonly associated with contaminated food and water, gastroenteritis is a viral infection that wreaks havoc in the digestive system. It's important to remember that while school camps are often a rite of passage filled with fun and games, they can also be a breeding ground for germs and viruses when proper hygiene isn't maintained.

The school has been proactive in their response, initiating measures to ensure the health and safety of all students. It's crucial during such outbreaks to take immediate action, including consultation with health authorities and a thorough investigation into the source of infection. While this camp may not have ended on a positive note for many, it serves as a vital reminder of the importance of food safety and hygiene, especially in settings where groups of people gather.

As students now recover, it's a good time to reflect on the silver linings! School camps can be a memorable experience filled with life lessons, and this can include an important lesson on hygiene. Kids learn not only about teamwork and independence in camps but also about the significance of personal health care. Furthermore, many people don't know that contagious illnesses, like gastroenteritis, can spread rapidly in closed environments, underscoring the need for hygiene education from an early age.

Did you know? Gastroenteritis isn’t just a pesky problem for students; it’s among the leading causes of sickness worldwide! Summer camps, school trips, and family gatherings can often lead to outbreaks, so keep hand sanitizer handy. And here’s a fun fact: the word gastroenteritis combines ‘gastro’ (meaning stomach) and ‘enteritis’ (inflammation of the intestines)—make sure your kids know their anatomy, just in case!

35 pupils, 2 staff report symptoms of gastroenteritis during school ... (The Straits Times)

No one was hospitalised as a result of the incident. Read more at

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Image courtesy of "CNA"

35 Catholic High students fall ill with gastroenteritis after school camp (CNA)

SINGAPORE: Thirty-five Primary 5 students and two staff members from Catholic High School (Primary) developed gastroenteritis symptoms after a school camp ...

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35 students & 2 staff of Catholic High report gastroenteritis ... (

However, none of these individuals were hospitalised, according to a joint statement issued by the Singapore Food Agency (SFA) and Ministry of Health (MOH).

Irritable Bowel Syndrome and Functional Dyspepsia After Acute ... (NEJM Journal Watch Medical Blogs)

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