
2024 - 6 - 23

Why Turkey Deserves a Seat at the European Defence Table

Erdoğan - European Defence - NATO - Security Challenges - Turkey

Find out why Ankara's role in European defence is crucial amidst US commitment concerns

In the realm of European defense, Turkey's participation should not be dismissed due to political tensions surrounding President Erdoğan. Despite disagreements and challenges with Turkey's government, Ankara holds strategic significance in bolstering the continent's security. With uncertainties looming over the long-term commitment of the US to European defense, Turkey's involvement can provide a valuable contribution. Excluding Turkey from European defense efforts could be a missed opportunity to benefit from its geopolitical position and military capabilities.

Turkey's unique geographical location bridges Europe and Asia, offering a crucial vantage point for monitoring and responding to security threats. The country's military forces, equipped with modern technology and extensive training, could play a pivotal role in enhancing the defense capabilities of European nations. By engaging with Turkey, European defense initiatives may gain access to a diverse set of resources and expertise, ultimately strengthening the collective security of the region.

Moreover, sidelining Turkey in European defense discussions could lead to further fragmentation and discord within the NATO alliance. Turkey's historical NATO membership and its strategic importance in the region make it a key player in maintaining cohesion and unity among member states. Recognizing and engaging with Turkey's perspectives and capabilities can help foster a more inclusive and effective defense strategy for Europe as a whole.

In conclusion, Turkey's involvement in European defense efforts should be viewed through a strategic lens that prioritizes security interests over political differences. Embracing Turkey's potential contributions can reinforce the resilience and readiness of European defense structures, especially in the face of evolving security challenges. It is essential for European policymakers to reevaluate the significance of Turkey's role in shaping the future of the continent's defense landscape.

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Image courtesy of "Financial Times"

Don't cut Turkey out of European defence efforts because of Erdoğan (Financial Times)

Ankara can make a vital contribution as questions loom over the long-term US commitment to the continent's security.

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