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Israel's Stealthy Attack on Iran: A Tense Encounter Unfolds

Isfahan Iran - Israel - Israel-Iran conflict - Middle East politics - US relations - Isfahan

Israel's covert strike on Iran raises eyebrows in Washington. Find out more at

The recent Israel-Iran tension escalated with reports of an Israeli strike on Iran, causing concern among US officials who were informed in advance but did not support the operation. The situation remains tense as drones were sighted over Isfahan, adding to the air of mystery surrounding the incident. Meanwhile, memories of a past visit to Israel resurface, reminiscing a class with Rabbi Danny Schiff on seder preparations and the art of editing the Haggadah. Amidst this, the Biden administration's silence on the Israel strike hints at the delicate diplomatic dance between parties involved. As the aftermath of Israel's retaliatory strike unfolds, the world watches closely, waiting for further developments and potential implications on the delicate Middle East balance of power.

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Image courtesy of "The Straits Times"

Israel attacks Iran, US sources say, drones reported over Isfahan (The Straits Times)

The US reportedly received advance notice of Israel's reported strike on Iran but did not endorse the operation. Read more at

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Image courtesy of ""

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Image courtesy of "CNN"

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