2024 - 2 - 19

Transforming Property Management in Australia

acquisition - Australia - CSC - GPT Group - investment - partnership - property management - real estate - strategic alliance

Discover how the collaboration between CSC and GPT Group is reshaping the property industry landscape with innovative strategies and cutting-edge solutions!

In a game-changing move, Australia's Commonwealth Superannuation Corporation (CSC) has designated GPT Group to oversee its extensive A$2.8 billion property holdings. This decision marks a significant shift in the management of CSC's real estate assets, following the takeover of the mandate from AXA IM, which assumed control after acquiring Sydney-based Eureka in 2016. The collaboration between CSC and GPT Group is poised to redefine property management standards and drive innovation in the industry.

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Image courtesy of "IPE Real Assets"

Australia's CSC hires GPT Group to manage A$2.8bn property ... (IPE Real Assets)

Previous manager AXA IM took over the CSC mandate when it bought Sydney-based Eureka in 2016.

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