Discover the hidden secrets of the iconic FedEx logo with Angus Hyland in his latest column!
In a whirlwind of creativity and insight, Pentagram partner and creative director, Angus Hyland, mesmerizes us with his exploration of the iconic FedEx logo in his A-Z of logo design series. The FedEx logo, a masterclass in subtle design elements, holds a secret that only keen observers can spot. With its hidden arrow between the 'E' and 'X', symbolizing speed and precision, the FedEx logo stands as a shining example of clever logo craftsmanship.
Hyland delves into the intricacies of the FedEx logo, unraveling the thought process behind its inception. The interplay of negative space and typography in the logo showcases a perfect blend of simplicity and sophistication. Each element meticulously crafted to convey the company's core values of efficiency and reliability, making it an industry standout.
As Hyland's column unfolds, readers embark on a journey through the evolution of the FedEx logo, witnessing how it has stood the test of time and remained a beacon of modern design. The logo's enduring appeal lies in its timeless elegance and innovative use of design elements, capturing the essence of the brand's commitment to excellence.
In a world where logos define brands, the FedEx logo stands tall as a testament to the power of thoughtful design. Angus Hyland's insightful analysis sheds light on the brilliance behind this iconic logo, inviting us to appreciate the artistry and vision that shape our visual landscape.
In his latest monthly Transform column on the A-Z of logo design, Pentagram partner and creative director Angus Hyland points us in the direction of FedEx.