Here is how you can generate your own fake music festival lineup poster using your Spotify account and "Instafest."
By taking your most-listened-to artists, this website creates a music festival that would be absolutely perfect for you.
The Instafest apps lets you generate your own music festival poster based on your Spotify listening habits.
A new feature called Instafest is able to create your own personalised dream lineup using your most-listened-to artists on Spotify. The app was created by ...
Instafest is the latest app for Spotify that turns your music tastes into stylish festival lineup posters based on your most listened to artists - here's ...
Of course, people have been quick to share their lineups on Instagram - and your Insta Stories feed is probably *filled* with Taylor Swift-headlined festivals ...
The free app has been created by developer Anshay Saboo of the University of Southern California.