Thor: Love and Thunder end credits

2022 - 7 - 8

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Image courtesy of "Bam! Smack! Pow!"

How many end credit scenes are in Thor: Love and Thunder? (Bam! Smack! Pow!)

Trying to figure out if there are any Thor: Love and Thunder end credit scenes? Here's a hint, there are and you definitely won't want to miss them!

Thoughts on the Thor: Love and Thunder post credit scenes? We say “scenes” because there is indeed more than one post-credit scene coming your way after the film’s main action concludes! From the very beginning, Marvel has become known for teasing future projects via post-credits sequences that help build towards the next chapter of its ongoing franchise.

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Image courtesy of "USA TODAY"

Will Thor return? Chris Hemsworth found 'Love and Thunder' end ... (USA TODAY)

After that surprising "Thor: Love and Thunder" end-credits scene, Chris Hemsworth delves into which Thor will be in the next movie. Spoilers ahead!

I love the idea of the war of the gods." "You are very welcome in the land of the gods. "But I'd love to go down that path." "And I think there's much more to come." "I'm was like, 'Wear this tutu thing because I find it funny and everyone's going to fall deeply in love with you,' " Waititi says. "Can I be honest?"

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Image courtesy of "IndieWire"

'Thor: Love and Thunder' Post-Credits Scenes Hint at the Asgardian ... (IndieWire)

In a pair of post-credit scenes, director Taika Waititi hints at a big, burly future for Thor and friends.

“It was incredible to get to shoot with Idris. I admire him so much and I was so excited to get to even have a little one line exchange.” There’s no way around what is arguably the biggest spoiler of all when it comes to “Thor: Love and Thunder”: Jane Foster (AKA Mighty Thor) dies. Surrounded by some of his more attentive handmaidens (the credits actually refer to them as the “Zeusettes”), the almighty ruler pouts and whines about his current state. One early idea: head to Omnipotence City (where all the gods hang out, of course) and ask for their help in defeating a dude whose entire reason for being is killing them all. Thor eventually headed out to space with the Guardians of the Galaxy, and while most of the crew loved the big lug, it was unquestionably a temporary situation. The last time we saw the superhero in this Marvel Cinematic Universe milieu, he was reeling from the events of “Avengers: Infinity War” and “Avengers: Endgame” (remember “the blip”?), and while things were looking up (remember when “the blip” got reversed?), even the burliest member of Earth’s mightiest heroes realized he needed to do something different.

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Image courtesy of "Polygon"

Thor: Love and Thunder ending, explained (Polygon)

Is Mjolnir alive? What happened to Jane Foster? Is Natalie Portman coming back to play the Mighty Thor again? Who is Thor's new daughter?

Above him is the Living Tribunal (you glimpse a statue of the three-faced Tribunal in the Love and Thunder trailer) and that dude is the one who keeps order in the multiverse. She is entirely a creation of Love and Thunder, given superpowers by Eternity. There’s no telling what that means, but the sky’s the limit! Eternity is the abstract embodiment of the universe — every universe manifests as a being known as Eternity, and Eternity is the greatest being in that universe. Yes! A very important one for Marvel. In Greg Pak’s Marvel Comics circa the mid-2000s and onward, the character became more closely associated with the Hulk — Pak’s The Incredible Hulk briefly became The Incredible Hercules when Hulk was out of commission for a while after the World War Hulk story. Long story short, Mjolnir isn’t just magic metal and godly enchantment, it’s implied that it contains the god Tempest, Mother of All Storms. It doesn’t really communicate, but it does have a preference for Jane over Thor, as illustrated by the Jason Aaron/Russell Dauterman Thor comics that inspired a lot of Love and Thunder. One of the more surprising things about Thor: Love and Thunder is how (seemingly) self-contained it is.

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Image courtesy of "StyleCaster"

The 'Thor: Love & Thunder' Post-Credit Scenes Just Brought Back a ... (StyleCaster)

The character is based on a god of the same name from Norse mythology and made his debut in the Marvel Comic in the issue, “Journey into Mystery #83,” in 1962.

The first Thor: Love and Thunder post-credit scene airs after the end of the first part of the credits, while the second Thor: Love and Thunder post-credit scene airs after the end of the second and final part of the credits. Who’s in the Thor: Love and Thunder cast? At the end of Thor: Love and Thunder, Marvel confirmed there will be a Thor 5 with a slide that read: “Thor will return.” In an interview with Wired in June 2022, Hemsworth hinted that Thor: Love and Thunder may be his last movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. “Well the last [Marvel movie] I shot was Thor: Love and Thunder, and it might be my last Marvel movie, I don’t know,” he said. Marvel Studios president Kevin Feige also told Total Film in June 2022 that he has “many” Thor stories to tell in the Marvel Cinematic Universe and would want Hemsworth to continue as the character to tell them. What happens in the second Thor: Love and Thunder post-credit scene? “I got to work with Chris again, and with Tessa again, even though we hadn’t worked in the MCU together, but we had worked together on Annihilation. It was just such a gift to get to come into this incredibly fun environment, and with people I felt so comfortable with.” She also confirmed she was aware of the comics storyline where Jane becomes the Mighty Thor. “I think it was actually first mentioned to me by journalists when I was doing press for something around the time the comics first came out,” she said. So…how many Thor: Love and Thunder post-credit scenes are there and what happens in the end credits for Thor 4? Elba, who also stars in 2021’s The Suicide Squad, also denied that he had become a “DC exclusive actor” and used the word “seemingly” to describe Heimhdall’s death. At the end of the Thor: Love and Thunder post-credit scenes is also slide that reads, “Thor will return,” confirming that there will be a Thor 5 after Thor: Love and Thunder. So…what happens in the Thor: Love and Thunder post-credit scenes? He was introduced in the Marvel Comics issue “The Avengers #10” in November 1964 and possesses the powers of superhuman agility, durability, endurance and strength. In an interview with Moviefone, Portman opened up about what it was like to reunite with Hemsworth as Thor and Jane, who becomes the Mighty Thor in Thor: Love and Thunder. We are in our lives as our characters are, but just the passage of time and how wild that is to have this relationship with someone that you’ve known for so long.”

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Image courtesy of "TIME"

Here's What the <i>Thor: Love and Thunder</i> End-Credits Scenes ... (TIME)

Here's what the mid and end-credit scenes in 'Thor: Love and Thunder' mean for the future of the MCU.

And what of Jane Foster and Heimdall? The glimpse at Valhalla seems to be setting something significant up. After all, they are contributing to some of the most beloved comedies on TV right now, between Ted Lasso and What We Do in the Shadows.) Thor does bring Jane Foster back from the dead in the comics, so Jane and even Heimdall returning to New Asgard is certainly not out of the realm of possibility. Could Hercules be the villain of the next Thor movies? Greek gods have always been relatively minor characters in the Marvel comics, so introducing an all-out war between the Norse and Greek gods would be new ground. Gods fighting can be fun, as the popularity of the God of War video games has proven. “Now, they look to the sky, and they don’t ask us for lightning. Case in point: The final act of Thor: Love and Thunder introduces a new father-daughter superhero team. During the film, Thor got into a scuffle with a very pompous Zeus, the king of the Greek gods. Okay, fine, not Roy Kent, but Brett Goldstein, the actor who plays Roy Kent in the beloved, Emmy-winning soccer dramedy Ted Lasso—an absurd and perfect casting choice. The Marvel movie stingers used to set up the plot for the very next film in the franchise. Even after the credits begin to roll we get further promise of future Thor adventures.

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Image courtesy of "Hindustan Times"

Thor Love and Thunder mid-credits scene explains Chris ... (Hindustan Times)

Thor: Love and Thunder spoilers ahead! There are two post-credits scenes in the latest Marvel release Thor: Love and Thunder and they may have bearings for ...

This could very well mean Chris coming back just for a cameo, potentially to be killed by Hercules. That would serve two purposes--allow the series to continue by getting a new Thor to take up the mantle, and establish Hercules as a formidable threat. Directed by Taika Waititi, Love and Thunder is the fourth solo adventure for Thor in the Marvel universe, bringing back Chris Hemsworth in the titular role. For now, no Thor sequel has been announced and there is no Avengers film planned as well. This interaction potentially sets the scene for a future clash between Thor and Hercules, potentially bringing back Chris Hemsworth. During the promotions of Love and Thunder, it was implied -- repeatedly -- that this may be Chris’ final Marvel film. Also read: Thor Love and Thunder review: Chris Hemsworth dazzles, Christian Bale terrifies Thor: Love and Thunder carries this legacy forward.

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Image courtesy of "Inverse"

Here's who lives, dies, or goes to Valhalla in 'Thor: Love and Thunder' (Inverse)

With Gorr the God Butcher at the center of its story, death was always going to be a part of 'Thor: Love and Thunder.' Here's a look at who lived and died.

Despite being one of the most memorable and well-drawn villains in MCU history, Christian Bale’s Gorr the God Butcher does not make it out of Thor: Love and Thunder alive. During the scene in question, Thor stumbles upon Sif’s unconscious body only to discover that his old friend has lost one of her arms and is slowly bleeding to death. Similar to Korg, there is a moment in Thor: Love and Thunder when it seems like Valkyrie (Tessa Thompson) may actually die. The epilogue of Thor: Love and Thunder then sees a fully reassembled Korg romantically partner up with another Kronan so that they can create a child together. However, that’s not what actually happens in Love and Thunder. Instead, the film ends with Jane sacrificing her life in order to help Hemsworth’s Thor fight Gorr. Some MCU fans likely went into Thor: Love and Thunder expecting it to be Chris Hemsworth’s last MCU adventure.

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Image courtesy of "Vulture"

Thor: Love and Thunder Post-Credits Scene Goes From Zero to ... (Vulture)

Brett Goldstein (a.k.a. Roy Kent from 'Ted Lasso') makes a surprise appearance in one of two 'Thor: Love and Thunder' post-credits scenes, while the other ...

As the Mighty Thor, Jane Foster (Natalie Portman) succumbs to cancer at the end of Thor: Love and Thunder after using the last of her life force to aid Thor in his battle against Gorr (Christian Bale). But she may not be gone for good. In the post-credits scene, Jane is greeted at the gates of Valhalla by Heimdall (Idris Elba), who tells her she is welcome to enter if she chooses. Even without the Thor mantle, Jane remains a superhero, balancing work at the morgue with cosmic adventures concerning life and death alongside her Pegasus, Mr. Horse. Thor and Hercules’s rivalry stretches all the way back to 1965’s Journey Into Mystery Annual No. 1, while their first meeting is fully detailed in the miniseries Thor: Blood Oath (2005). Hercules became a regular guest star in Thor’s adventures throughout the ’60s, and their rivalry turns into a friendship, though not one without its share of competitiveness. While neither delivers jaw-dropping revelations about the future of the MCU, both have big implications for Thor’s future and could set up his next installment or even some spinoffs. He decides that Thor, a god playing a superhero, needs to be brought down.

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Image courtesy of "Hollywood Reporter"

Thor's Future After the 'Love and Thunder' Post-Credit Scenes (Hollywood Reporter)

The Thor: Love and Thunder post credit scenes introduce a new character to Marvel and tease the future of Jane Foster.

The post-credits scene reveals Jane Foster’s ( Natalie Portman) next steps after sharing her final moments with Thor at the gates of Eternity. Her fate in the afterlife? With Thor’s next steps nicely prepped, audiences get a further glimpse into what’s next in the God of Thunder’s journey. As Heimdall welcomes Jane into Valhalla, it raises the question whether Jane Foster’s time in the MCU is truly finished. Subsequently, it’s her reinvigorated life that allows Thor to discover his own new purpose in life — to be a father. In honoring Gorr the God Butcher’s ( Christian Bale) dying wish, Thor effectively adopts Gorr’s daughter, who is brought back to life by Eternity, emerging from the cosmic wishing well with god-like powers. Love plays a crucial role in the film, appearing in the first and final scenes, with her death at the start of the movie being what ultimately sets her father Gorr on his quest to murder all gods.

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