
North Korean

Kim Jong Un Declares South Korea as Primary Foe and Severs Ties With Russia

Kim Jong Un shakes diplomatic ties as he abandons unity with South Korea and deepens relations with Russia.

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South Korea

South Korea Triumphs Over Saudi Arabia in Epic Asian Cup Battle

Discover how South Korea emerged victorious over Saudi Arabia in a thrilling Asian Cup clash through a penalty shootout.

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North Korean

North Korea's Latest Ventures: From Strategic Cruise Missiles to Cryptocurrency Hacks

Explore North Korea's recent activities including strategic missile tests and cryptocurrency hacks, all while keeping up with leader Kim Jong Un's pursuits.

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Mercedes Madness: from Luxury Cars to Formula 1 Innovations to Mysterious Appearances in North Korea

Discover the latest on Mercedes-Benz, from practical 7-seater models to F1 design breakthroughs, and a bizarre North Korean mystery!

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North Korea

North Korea Fires Artillery at South, Russia Involved, Kim Jong Un Sympathizes

North Korea's recent artillery attacks on South Korea raise tensions, Ukraine accuses Russia of using North Korean missiles, and Kim Jong Un sends sympathy messages to Iran and Japan.

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World Cup qualifiers

North Korea Shuns World Cup Qualifier Against Japan: A Twist in the Soccer Rivalry

Find out the latest on the canceled North Korea v Japan World Cup qualifier game, and the buzz surrounding the fierce soccer rivalry.

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North Korea

North Korea and South Korea: The Balloon Battle and Propaganda War

Discover the fierce rivalry between North and South Korea through trash-filled balloons and loudspeaker broadcasts!

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Vladimir Putin

Putin's Unusual Diplomatic Moves: From North Korea to Ukraine

Putin's surprising visit to North Korea and praise for their support to Ukraine raises eyebrows. What's behind this unexpected alliance? Find out here!

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Vladimir Putin

Vladimir Putin's Time in Vietnam and North Korea: A Tale of Friendship and Strategic Partnerships

From Vietnam to North Korea, Vladimir Putin's diplomatic moves are making headlines worldwide. Check out the intriguing details here!

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Israel Hezbollah war

Israel-Hezbollah Tensions: Is War on the Horizon?

Find out why Hezbollah is threatening a tiny European country and how it all ties into the Israel-Hezbollah conflict. Oil markets are on edge, fearing an imminent war. Could Israel's Iron Dome defense system hold up in the face of Hezbollah's threats? Get the inside scoop here!

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North Korea balloons

North Korea's Trash Balloons Cause Chaos in South Korea

Discover the bizarre trend of trash-filled balloons causing havoc in South Korea, disrupting airports and stirring up tensions between the two countries.

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