
McDonald system outage

McDonald's Frenzy: Global System Outage Hits Fast-Food Chain

McDonald's faces worldwide chaos with system outages affecting outlets in Australia, Japan, and Singapore. Find out how the fast-food giant coped with the IT nightmare!

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McDonald's Global Tech Outage Causes Chaos: What Happened and How They Bounced Back

McDonald's faced a worldwide tech meltdown impacting ordering systems, leading to chaos at outlets from Singapore to the US. Find out how they reconnected with customers here!

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Krispy Kreme

Krispy Kreme and McDonald's Unite: A Sweet Collaboration in Fast Food History

Get ready for a doughnut revolution! McDonald's is set to sell Krispy Kreme doughnuts nationwide, creating a buzz in the fast-food industry. Find out more about this exciting partnership!

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Tengah Plantation Plaza

Tengah Welcomes Its First Supermarket and Food Court at Plantation Plaza

Exciting news as Tengah's first neighbourhood centre opens with a Giant supermarket and a Koufu food court!

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