
Excessive heat

How Extreme Heat in Singapore Affects Fertility and Productivity: NUS Study Reveals Surprising Results

Discover how rising temperatures in Singapore could impact fertility rates and worker productivity. Find out more at

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Earth Hour 2024

Earth Hour 2024: A Global Movement for Nature and Climate

Join the world in the biggest hour for Earth! Lights off on 23rd March from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm IST to promote awareness and sustainable habits. #EarthHour2024 #ClimateAction

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Dubai flood

Unbelievable! Dubai Drenched in Rare Floods After Years of Dryness

Dubai faces unprecedented flooding as heavy rains hit the desert city, submerging cars and halting flights. Find out how this unexpected event unfolded!

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Earth Day

Earth Day: A Celebration of Our Planet

Discover the history, significance, and festivities surrounding Earth Day, a global movement for environmental awareness and conservation.

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Raining on Ras al-Ain's Cumin Parade: Climate Woes Hit Crop Hard

Climate and disease strike Ras al-Ain's cumin fields, destroying over 65% of the harvest.

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Singapore Airlines flight turbulence

Singapore Airlines Takes Drastic Measures After Fatal Turbulence Incident

Find out how Singapore Airlines is ramping up safety measures after a turbulent episode left one dead and dozens injured. Are you prepared for the changes?

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Turbulence Tales: Aviation Adventures and Misadventures

Flying through the ups and downs of aviation turbulence! Check out the latest incidents and how passengers cope with the unexpected.

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Delhi temperature

Delhi's Weather Rollercoaster: Heatwaves, Dust Storms, and Light Rain

Delhi experiences a wild weather ride with extreme temperatures, dust storms, and light rain predicted. Get ready for a weather adventure!

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Butterfly Effect: Albania's Changing Climate Threatens Colorful Creatures

Discover how climate change is impacting Albania's butterflies, including the rare Alexanor species! ๐Ÿฆ‹ #ClimateChange #Albania #Butterflies

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Stonehenge Defaced by Eco-Activists: A Symbol of Resilience Amidst Climate Protests

Climate activists spray-paint Stonehenge in a bold protest! Find out the impact on this ancient monument.

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Hajj pilgrimage deaths

Hajj Pilgrimage Deaths: Insights and Investigations

Discover the latest updates on the Hajj pilgrimage deaths in Saudi Arabia. Uncover the reasons behind the fatalities and the actions taken by different countries.

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